Team Members


2013 Damnoni Excavation Team

Dr. Thomas F. StrasserPlakias Project Director, Associate Professor of Art History, Providence College
Strasser has taught at Providence College since 2005. His academic research and interests are in Greek, Roman, and Near-Eastern archaeology and art. He has participated in archaeological excavations and other field projects in Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, and the United States for more almost 30 years. He holds Ph.D. and master’s degrees in Classical Archaeology from Indiana University.

Dr. Eleni Panagopoulou, Associate Director, Ephoreia of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology of Southern Greece (Greek Ministry of Culture)

Dr. Curtis Runnels
, Professor of Archeology, Boston University 
Editor, Journal of Field Archeology

Dr. Panayiotis Karkanas,
 Geologist for the Ephoreia of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology of Southern Greece (Greek Ministry of Culture)

Dr. Karl Wegmann,
 Assistant Professor of Geology, North Carolina State University

Priscilla Murray
, Boston University research fellow

Dr. Floyd W. McCoy, Associate Professor of Geology and Oceanography, University of Hawaii

Dr. Gilbert Marshall, Independent Archaeologist

Dr. Miriam Clinton, University of Pennsylvania Lecturer in Critical Writing, and field surveyor

Epaminondas Kapranos, Archaeologist for the 25th Ephoreia of Classical and Prehistoric Archaeology (West Crete)

Graham George, Independent Archaeologist

Nicholas Thompson
, Researcher for the Ephoreia of Palaeoanthropology-Speleology of Southern Greece (the Greek Ministry of Culture)

Dr. Sarah C. Murray, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Notre Dame

Brandon Olson, Graduate Student in the Archaeology DepartmentBoston University

Chad DiGregorio, Former Graduate Student in the Archaeology Department, Boston University. A beloved archaeologist, colleague, and friend.

2011 Damnoni Excavation Team

2011 Damnoni Excavation Team

2009 Plakias Survey Team

2009 Plakias Survey Team

2008 Plakias Survey Team

2008 Plakias Survey Team